Our behaviors were awesome this week. We are so proud of this week's ticket winners.
5 months ago, Ellen Tallon
ticket winners
Friday morning ticket winners for good behavior. These students were quiet in the halls, took turns, and helped other students.
6 months ago, Ellen Tallon
ticket winners
DC students and 3rd grade students working together in PE! Having a blast!
6 months ago, Ellen Tallon
game time
We have been working hard on our behavior all week. Today one ticket winner from each grade level drawing got a prize to take home. These tornadoes are good examples for other students. Let's recognize their positive impact on our school and community.
6 months ago, Ellen Tallon
Ticket winners
Parents/Guardians: Please take some time to complete the 5Essential Survey at http://survey.5-essentials.org/illinois/survey/parent/ This opportunity will allow you to share your thoughts and help us improve. Thank you.
about 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Bus #29 has left the building
about 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Bus 29 is having mechanical issues and is running late. Students on bus 29 have not left the primary yet.
about 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Bus #28 is running late getting home.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Reminder: Trunk or Treat this Thursday, 10/19 from 5:30-6:30PM at Norwood Primary back blacktop
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Reminder: The Book Fair will be open during conferences tonight and Thursday. The best way to pay is cash or check. We have the option for paying with a card, but it does not always work properly. Hope to see you at conferences and the book fair!
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Good Morning Norwood Families, As we continue to keep safety a top priority for our students, we wanted to let you know that we will be conducting our annual, required lockdown drill on Monday, September 18th with law enforcement. This will occur at both school buildings. We are letting the students, staff, and families know about the drill in advance per Illinois State requirement. If you would like your child(ren) to opt-out of the drill, please notify the office. To opt out, you will need to either pick your student up near the drill time or bring them after the drill is complete. The drill at NES will begin around 8:30 am and NPS around 9:00 am. Since the entire building will be practicing the drill there is no place to sit your child if you choose to opt your child out. If you would like more information about the drill, please contact your building secretary. Also please note, this is a traditional drill that has been completed in all the years prior, there are no special optics or sounds. Our local law enforcement walk the hallways to ensure our doors lock and our safety procedures are up-to-date. Yours in safety, Norwood Administration
over 1 year ago, Jake Flowers
Here is the link to register your student for the Norwood PTO Fundraiser. https://www.themegablast.com/join/norwood. Thank you for your support.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Correction for Fall Picture Day: Fall Pictures will be taken this Monday, September 11th
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
All buses are running late coming home. From the primary. They are just now leaving.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Good Morning! Please be extra cautious, patient, and kind at arrival and dismissal. Our pre-school students are starting their first day of school today. Absolutely NO UTURNS on Main Street in front of the school. Be safe!
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Reminder: Norwood Primary will dismiss at 3:00, which is regular dismissal time.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
At this time, power has been restored to Norwood Primary School. We still have power at Norwood Elementary. We will continue with 1:00 and 1:30 dismissal as long as power remains. The phone lines are also back and working. Thank you for your patience.
over 1 year ago, Norwood 63
Reminder: Norwood Primary will dismiss at 1:30PM today (8/9), tomorrow (8/10), and Friday (8/11). Starting Monday, August 14th, Norwood Primary will dismiss at 3:00PM.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Welcome to 2023-2024 at Norwood Primary! (K-4) If you registered online and have not provided proof of residency at the office, please do so before Aug 8th. Aug 8th: 4:30-6:00p Open House Aug 9th: First Day of school. Students arrive at 8:17 am and dismiss at 1:30p Aug 9th-11th: 1:30 Dismissal. Starting Aug 14th, students dismiss at 3p There are no costs for breakfast and lunch again this year.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens
Reminder: 2023-2024 Registration is Wednesday, July 19th from 9:00AM to 6:00PM. Returning students will need to provide 2 types of proof of residency at registration or before school starts. New students will not be able to register without proof of residency. Kindergarten students who have not already registered will need a birth certificate along with proof of residency. There is no cost for student lunches again this year.
over 1 year ago, Kristi Stephens